Tuesday 22 November 2011

Norfolk Food Discovery

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The children planting garlic, onions and broad beans.
Using a dibber to measure where each seed should go.

Sorting materials into compost, rubbish and recycling with some surprising results

The children reported on the day in their journals
Keble are currently taking in part in Norfolk Food Discovery. So far this year they have planted their own vegetables at the allotments, prepared and cooked vegetable soup and visited a local farm. The children are learning about where the food they eat comes from and have had the opportunity to sample new foods.


  1. Wow, we are very impressed with your gardening! And now we know what a dibber is. Thank you very much!

  2. wow miss.beals how dear you book a trip the day befor ma b,day(birthday)

  3. JOEL and MATTHEW16 April 2012 at 06:36

    we love your gardening it looks fun
